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My eyes aren't what you say they are
My hands they don't reach that far
My heart is open like a door
But I don't trust you like before

I don't know who I am this year
My feelings are nothing but fear
My head my heart open wide
You came and took me by surprise

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Maybe one day you'll be the one
Maybe one day I'll see a setting sun
Maybe one day you'll be the one
But until then, baby I'm crying.
Babying I'm crying

My life has come and gone so fast
I don't remember much from the past
I searched through every open book
Can you please come and take a look

Maybe one day you'll be the one
Maybe one day I'll see a setting sun
Maybe one day you'll be the one
But until then, baby I'm crying.
Babying I'm crying

Writer(s): Bethany Cosentino

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