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Was it going on behind my back?
On second thought, don't tell me that
I don't need to know all the facts
I just need to know

Is there a price for doing well?
Should I feel bad 'cause I can't tell?
I felt guilty there for a spell
But now I need to know

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Am I wasting my time? Ooh

Is there some trick to being happy?
Most days I'm feeling like a half me
And feel that life is moving past me
I only told you 'cause you asked me

What is the story of the hour?
One man's privilege and his power
How it turns a sweet love, oh, so sour
Still I need to know

Am I wasting my time? Ooh

Is there some trick to being happy?
Most days I'm feeling like a half me
And feel that life is moving past mе
I only told you 'cause you asked me

And feel that life is moving past me
I only told you 'cause you asked me

Writer(s): Afie Salomon Jurvanen

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