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Summer is over
And winter is here
Sadness hides the sun

Once there was laughter
And now there is fear
Sadness hides the sun

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People smile, people say
There's no need for display
And they act as if life was fun

But they know in their heart
Daddy's coming one day
Sadness hides the sun

Once there were pastures
Once there were flowers
Sadness hides the sun

Now there is only
The dust and the hours
Sadness hides the sun

Yesterday came to pass
And not one blade of grass
Was left running to show one

And they feared it would come
But nothing was done
Well, sadness hides the sun

What had happened
Who had the right?
Sadness hides the sun

Why is there no answer
Why is there no light?
Sadness hides the sun

This could all be a dream
As the fools have foreseen
Just what our rules could have done

There's only one way
You'll win peace from today
Before sadness hides the sun

Writer(s): Paul White, St Mikael

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