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Yar ha ha har!
You wanna know where you are, laddie?
Alright then, let me tell you...

Palm trees sway in the Caribbean breeze
The sunshine beating down
A wanted man with a price on my head
On the run from the British crown
Last week in Port Royal
I stole a ship and killed the crew
I set sail on a moonlit sky
I knew just what I had to do

La letra continúa más abajo...

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It's time to spin the wheel
We can go anywhere we feel
We're heading west, to the land thats the best
And I ain't ever coming' back


Welcome to the sea (what?)
Welcome to the sea (what?)
YARR FACE! Here to tell you how it's gonna be, with a
YO HO! Gotta be a pirate's life for me, we gonna
Dig for treasure
Cannon battle, eating lots of cattle, with a
POW POW! Shot from a treasure gun, and a
OH WOW! Royal Navy's got you on the run, we gonna
Quest forever

Sail far across the oceans blue
There's a land that waits for you
Where the alcohol will flow forever
Ride to the land of endless rum
In the Caribbean sun
It's the place where we must go


Across the sea, across the sand
I've set my sights on a far off land
Across the sea, across the sand
I've set my sights on a far off land
Across the sea, across the sand
I've set my sights on a far off land
Across the sea, across the sand
I've set my sights on... Tortuga


Far across the waves
We've sailed for many days
With gold the streets are paved
Where we gonna go? Tortuga!
Far across the waves
We've sailed for many days
With gold the streets are paved
If you're gonna drink rum well you better drink rum with me

Writer(s): Lasse Lammert, Matthew Bell, Christopher Bowes, Peter Stefanovic

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