
  • Geburtstag

    5. September 2002 (22 Jahre alt)

  • Geboren in

    Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

Justin Brandon Keanu Commander (September 05, 2002), also known as Txtrica, is a young and aspiring hip-hop producer born in Cologne, Germany! He truly loved music since he started playing with his mother's guitar as a child, began learning the piano at the age of 8 and listened to old CDs and Vinyls almost constantly. When he was 12 years old he started to produce dubstep and electronic dance music, also called EDM! Over time his musical knowledge drastically increased, which was to his benefit. Then in 2017 a good friend asked him if he could produce a basic hip-hop beat for his buddy on the basis of his musical knowledge. He agreed and discovered his great love and potential in making music for the world! A year later, Txtrica gave a bunch of beats to rap artists and vocalists to spread his emotions and creativity further into rap music. Evolution was the key and his inspiration that kept him strongly motivated to stay passionate and to continue to share his passion and heart with the rest of the world. Currently the young upcoming producer is working with other producers and rappers inside of the building called Goldmann Tower based in Cologne

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