
Hey, Mr. DJ, put a record on
I wanna dance with my baby

Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like my acid rock?

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Hey, Mr. DJ, put a record on
I wanna dance with my baby
And when the music starts, I never wanna stop
It's gonna drive me crazy

Music, music, music, music
Music, music, music, music, music
Music makes the people come together
Music mix the bourgeoisie and the rebel

Don't think of yesterday, and I don't look at the clock
I like to boogie-woogie (uh-uh)
It's like ridin' on the wind, and it never goes away
Touches everything I'm in, got to have it every day

Music makes the people come together, yeah
Music mix the bourgeoisie and the rebel

Hey, Mr. DJ

Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like my acid rock?

Hey, Mr. DJ, put a record on
I wanna dance with my baby
And when the music starts, I never wanna stop
It's gonna drive me crazy (uh-uh-uh)

Music (music) makes the people (makes the people)
Come together, yeah
Music (music) mix the bourgeoisie (mix the bourgeoisie)
And the rebel

Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like my acid rock?

Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like to boogie-woogie?
Do you like my acid rock?

Writer(s): . Madonna, Mirwais Ahmadzai

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