Lobo Loco (Wolf Schweizer-Gerth)
(born February 26, 1968) … is a german musician and producer.
Composed and produced over 1500 pieces of music from him and his bands and made
them avaliable under a Creative Commons (by-nc-nd) license.
This licensing options allow anyone to use his music in non-commercial projects for free
as long as he recieves credits. His music is beeing used in thousands of podcasts and films
all over the world and many of commercial or public cooperation projects.
Some of them are shown on television, channel PBS KVIE as the Made in the Shade
documentary (by Phil D'Asaro) about the Tree Foundation project in Sacramento (with over 16 tracks)
or SWR - Marktcheck So finde ich das perfekte Sofa with his first popular song Sofa Sofa Sofa.
Actual Bands:
Checkie Brown -
Music distribution:
Lobo Loco decided to release his music under Creative Commons (by-nc-nd) license in order to
have a great number and contacts of people who can listen and use his music.
Actually all titles are registered and released over,,,,, and his own platform where he
offer licenses for commercial use.
Cooperation and projects
Here some music cooperation projects.
The Snowball Rolled South - Leva Balsiunaite
Documentary, Lithuania 2018, 52 Min., engl., lith. OV, engl. st
Marktcheck - SWR - So finde ich das perfekte Sofa
Marion Mayer, Sebastian Schiller
Documentary, Germany 2019, 45min,
Song: "Sofa Sofa Sofa (ID 15)" - Lobo Loco - (1992)
Creative Commons License (by-nc-nd)
TV - PBS KVIE - Made in the Shade - Phil D'Asaro
Documentary, USA Sacramento 2018, 27min
ICE Meltdown (ID 251), WildWest Space Marshall (ID 730)
Banjo Basic Man (ID 703), Over the Hills (ID 718)
Jerry Gamblers Gang, Confused Longing (ID 770)
Saturday Afternoon (ID 791), Iceland Journey Has Begun (ID 673)
Cabanossi Möwe (ID 258), Steady Leave (ID 741)
Big Street Gang (ID 517), Dream within a Dream (ID 732)
Demonstrations (ID 526), Tequila Barbie (ID 443)
Bom Jardim (ID 716), Namorrada Dance (ID 715)
Camelot North - Molly Wagener
Featuring the films of Martin Hanson
Wisconsin Public Television, Documentary 2019
Songs: Speedy Delta, Burning Sunshine, Desert Ghost Town,
Jessy Travel Gambler
Video Dance Project - Tournee Spain 2019
Oceano sin rostro (Merche Perez, J Pablo Pintor)
Catch The Killer (ID 820), Invasion of The Aliens (ID 821),
Waiting for the Punsh (ID 971)
Out of Many - Levi Bechtel
A Colfax creative production 2019
Kingston Jamaica
Song: Inside your Body
Plenty to Say: The Radical Murals of Mary Perry Stone
Documentary, Ramie Streng 2018
Songs from Lobo:
Mystique Lands, Lonely Longing, Wonderful Moment
All for Money - A painting by Mary Pery Stone
Documentation 2018,
Songbones Magazine Podcast - Michelle McAfee
Singersongwriter, Folk & Blues - Episode 1: Anna Tivel
Songs from Lobo:
Hey Go, Just A Moment, Driving To The Delta, Around The Lake,
Nice To Be Near You, Psychedelic Blues, After All
Depression Baby - History Podcast
Bradford Rogers - Episodes 1 - 44
Songs from Lobo:
Special Episode - Interview with Lobo Loco
"The Man Behind the Music"
The Bob Crane Show: Reloaded - Podcast Episodes 0-3,5,7,10,13,
by Carol Ford and Eric Senich (2018)
Songs from Lobo: Flying WInter Birds, Dreamy Village Wedding,
Maritime People, Cultural Exchange, Story of Saraphine,
Happy Family Park, Prima Concertina, Pianoman is not Sam,
Radio Fürth - Regional und Satire Podcast
by Thomas und Rainer
Music Cooperationpartner Lobo Loco
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