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Erase your words and die
We are the livide elite protesters
The faces of justice
And your reign has come to an end
We will hold your head high above your lifeless carcass

We are the livide elite protesters
The faces of justice

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Dethroned, de-ranked, we'll take away everything
And rip your throat out and set you aflame
I will not pledge, for I stand against every word
One nation under hypocrisy

We will not live in, one nation under hypocrisy
We are the faces
Of justice fueling anarchy

We will not live in, one nation under hypocrisy
We are the faces
Of justice fueling anarchy

And your reign has come to an end
We will hold your head high above your lifeless carcass

We are the livide elite protesters
The faces of justice

The masses cringe as they watch you
burm, and we stain the earth with your blood
Justice has been served

If you dare, step on this pedestal and promise us change
We'll change the features on your face

One nation under hypocrisy

Erase your words and die
We are the livide elite protesters
The faces of justice
I will not pledge, for I stand against every word
One nation under hypocrisy

Will not live in, one nation under hypocrisy
We are the faces
Of justice fueling anarchy

One nation under hypocrisy.

Writer(s): Ben Savage, Philip Bozeman, Alex Wade

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