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Echoed sounds of screams and laughter
Bound down by fear of thought
Have your happy never after
Their spirit falls with your wake
Wake up

Have you seen the consequences
Of the actions that you take?
Well welcome to the real world where the broken are remade
You can't change words with fighting
Stand tall refuse all blame
Coz you can't rewrite what's written
Or extinguish war with flame

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Have you ever had your freedom
Then have it flushed away?
Do you understand your actions?
That you still insist is change
They lay forgotten people
Meer pawns in pointless war
A war that finds no answers is a war that's never won

Still obsessed with finding answers
You feed your thirst for war
Bleeding hands reach out for freedom
Still you insist in change
Their world's destroyed for heaven's sake
I don't want you to be my master
Want you to be the answer

Now hold my hand
Walk with me until the end
Until we've found your heart

Writer(s): Zoltan Dr Csige

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