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Well Mama's out yonder switchin' in the kitchen
And Daddy's in the living room a-grumbling and a-twitching
And I'm out here, kicking a gong for you
Your mind, reeling and a-rocking
And your insides bossing, squealing and a-squawking
Floating around some other kind of cloud singing
Oh baby you're so, so
Well there's a man over yonder underneath the table
Making faces at a union label
Tweaked his ear, rolled his eyes and I love you
Your mind, reeling and a-rocking
And your insides bossing, squealing and a-squawking
Floating around on some other kind of cloud singing
(Aw, pick it Wilson)
Well I had Eve on the bottom and Adam on the back
And I grinned at the snake and the snake grinned back
I picked that apple off the two by song and I love you
Your mind, reeling and a-rocking
And your insides bossing, squealing and a-squawking
Floating around on some other kind of cloud singing

Writer(s): George C. Remaily

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