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On the wings of a snow white dove
He sends his pure sweet love
A sign from above
On the wings of a dove.

When troubles surround us when evils come
The body grows weak the spirit grows numb
When these things beset us he doesn't forget us
He sends down his love on the wings of a dove.

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On the wings of a snow white dove
When Noah He sends his pure sweet love
A sign from above
On the wings of a dove.

Had drifted on the flood many days
He searched for land in various ways
Troubles he had some but wasn't forgotten
He sent him his love on the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow white dove
He sends his pure sweet love
A sign from above
On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow white dove
He sends his pure sweet love
A sign from above
On the wings of a dove.

A sign from above
On the wings of a dove...

Writer(s): Bob Ferguson

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