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The honeymoon is over
The honeymoon is over
Back in the dance halls again
Back in the dance halls again

The kids are all so violent
The kids are all so violent
I'm a fool for the latest trends
I'm a fool for the latest trends

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Robitussin and an 808
Slow dancing, with a stranger's date
Damn it feels good to be back again
Damn it feels good to be back again

The girls in strange attire
I really love Richard Pryor
I don't care about anything
Smooth jazz in the evening

In the room you made a mess
On the floor is a cocktail dress
I always thought I was born
To die young and blow a horn

A line of K and a diet Sprite
Take my hand, lets drift through this night

Damn it feels good to be back again
Damn it feels good to good
Damn it feels good to be back again
Damn it feels good to be back

Writer(s): Josh Rawson, Ian Felice, James Felice, Gregory Farley

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