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Mary, take your big brown eyes and look away
You're searching in vain
Mary, take your red heart and turn around
They'll make you insane

You know you're getting beat in the morning
Spend the night on the tiles
You know you're only searching for glory
But now you've gone and missed it by miles

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Mary, take your healing hands and turn around
There's nothing to say
Mary, take your words of love and tear 'em out
They're starting to fade

You know you're gonna hurt in the morning
Spend the night all alone
You know you're only searching for glory
But now you've gotta face it alone

You know you're gonna hurt in the morning
Spend the night on the tiles
You know you're only searching for glory
But now you've gone and missed it by miles

Mary, you know this life's so sweet
There are stuff that ain't get dead?
Mary, you know we both have dreams
But you're the one who's gotta live 'em instead

Oh, Mary, Mary
Mary, Mary, Mary
Mary, Mary
Mary, Mary

Mary, Mary, Mary
Mary, Mary, Mary

Writer(s): Jason Andrew Pierce

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