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See that boy with that guitar
He's got skinny legs like I always wanted
A girlfreind in his car 'cause he's got
Skinny legs like I always wanted
Sister look at me again
You'd love me if I were as skinny as him

And see that boy with that guitar
He's got a shirt and tie like I always wanted
A girlfriend in his car 'cause he's got
A shirt and tie like I always wanted
Sister look at me again
You'd love me if I were a dresser like him

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And see that boy with that guitar
He's got a blue Toyota like I always wanted
A Japanese girl in his car
It's a blue Toyota like I always wanted
Sister look at me again
You'd love me if I were a driver like him

And see that boy with that guitar
He's got a baby face like I always wanted
A girlfriend in his car 'cause he's got
A baby face like I always wanted
Sister look at me again
You'd love me if I were a looker like him

And see that boy with that guitar
He's got a little round... like I always wanted
A girlfriend in his car 'cause he's got
A little round... like I always wanted
Sister look at me again
You'd love me if I had a... like him
You'd love me if that my rear end

But legs they come
And faces go
Just like old Toyotas
That jap girl dumped my ass
And stole my clothes
She took my car
And left me singing

See that boy with that guitar
He's got skinny legs
Like I always wanted
A girlfriend in his car 'cause he's got
Skinny legs
Like I always wanted
Skinny legs
Like I always wanted

Writer(s): Lyle Pearce Lovett

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