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I declare romance in circumstances in
Which you and me have met
It's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Seven days a week
I wish I get by and gently ask you to stay

Love and Bossa Nova Plastic Soda
I'm sorry I'll refuse your drinks but I will
Take your dreams
Away from Miss Aurora
And kiss you on flowers' way
I declare romance in such a circumstances
It's you and me
Love and Bossa Nova Plastic Soda
Set us free to play the game

Letra continua abaixo...

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Love and Bossa Nova Plastic Soda
What do you think about the stone
Let us just be alone
Away but not too far from Miss Aurora
And kiss you in flowers' way

And ask you gently to stay
And gently ask you to stay

Love and Bossa Nova Plastic Soda

Writer(s): Jupiter Apple

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