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I got a blanket on my back
That keeps a wicked wind down to a mild attack
I got a bottle in the sack
That keeps my deadly mind off the river
That waits below this railroad track

I'm a thin line man, now I just go away
A thin line man, well, I just go away
I lay low when I can
I lay low when I can
I lay low, I lay low

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I hear me a radio song from a long time ago
It helps me to move along
When I don't wanna, but I know I gotta go

There's a dead town on my mind that holds no mystery
Way back down the line, well, that's history
There's a shallow pond there that hides a shiny gun
'Cause I had to leave
Now they all believe I'm on the run

A thin line man, I just go away
A thin line man, you know, I just, I just go away
I lay low when I can
I lay low when I can
I lay low, I lay low

A strange thing pulled me down
Say I wouldn't had to hang if I wouldn't hung around
Got me a background no one knows
They'll say that's just the way
For a drifter in this town, this town

Writer(s): Howe Gelb

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