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No, I won't believe that this is all
I'm not happy, I'm not free
No, I won't believe that this is all
Pay check to pay check
No, I won't believe that this is all
Every night I get drunk

I need action, won't take no more
It won't work out
It won't work no more
It won't work no more
no more, no more

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Control for who? For what?
Reaction's Masochism
Control for who? For what?
I'm no robot, they can get f**ked
Control for who? For what?
I need to live, I need it now

I need action, won't take no more
It won't work out
It won't work no more
It won't work no more
no more, no more

Writer(s): Larry Gates, Jean Claude Olivier, Samuel J Barnes, Black Eyed Peas

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