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Here I lay in the calm of night
Surrounded by an infernal light
The eternal white
Can't remember my yesterday
If I knew when I've gone astray
Listen to the ecstatic sound
Surrounded by what I finally found
Your eternal ground FEAR
Pristine hope and it's fragrant bloom
Try to show me a way out of gloom

Take this time
Enter the unknown

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So tell me why could I cry
When a clown puts on his very funny show?
Dreams by pantomime
A silent magic
Tell me how could I smile
When there's emptiness behind his mask?
Clappers in my head
Consume my heart away

(In my arms I hold the flower of the ages)
Here you lay in the arms of mine, and smile
And at last I know my love for you won't hide
No one marks the tender place we're
Coming from
Though there is nothing else that I would like
To show them

Take this time
To enter the unknown

Tell me why could I cry
When a clown puts on his very funny show?
Silent pantomime
The make-up saddens
Tell me how could I smile
When there's emptiness behind my mask?
Engulfed by all behind my mask

Am I lying to myself
About being different from you? no

(They're flying
... my years, days, hours, minutes, seconds
But I can't stop this envious time)

Writer(s): Niko Knappe, Maik Knappe

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