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so you think i'm wasting my life
you might be soul - soul in tow
you seek to suffer
i don't care, i've got all of my pills and things
say that it's all in my mind
i won't live my life over and over again
sabotaging my feelings
pseudo seppuku

my mind flows freely
on wings of fire
sub-atomic place
my secret desire

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so you think i'm wasting my life
you will lose your individuality
and say that it's all in my mind
i won't live my life over and over again
'cause baby i was born to die
and i know what i'm doing is right

post atomic ace
the one eyed martyr
he puts you in your place
with sacred predictions

why did i fall?
methrdone cyclone is all
in my life now
i won't lose my pride
why do you think i do what i do
don't you know i'm just thinking of you

supersonic force
the one-eyed superhero
folding time and space
i think and feel
look he's right now
smoke fills the sky
the nuclear winter
is methadone cyclone...

Writer(s): Stephen O'malley

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