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lets go outside,
it's sunny in california
if you were by my side,
and for awhile I would feel like normal

and hey, don't look now
but you're looking back down again
and hey, don't look now
you were looking back down again.

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goin' for a ride,
in sunny california
if you were by my side,
for awhile I'd feel like marmelade.

and hey, don't look now
but you're looking back down again
and hey, don't look now
you were looking back down again.

go back to the sun,
back to everyone.
back to the sand and the sea,
where I can be me.

go back to the sun,
back to everyone.
back to the sand and the sea,
where I can be me.

don't look down but,
you're looking back down again.
don't look now
you were looking back down again.

go back to the sun,
back to everyone.
back to the sand and the sea,
where I can be me.

go back to the sun,
back to everyone.
back to the sand and the sea,
where I can be me.

go back to the sun,
back to everyone.
back to the sand and the sea,
where I can be me.

go back to the sun,
back to everyone.
back to the sand and the sea,
where I can be me.

go back to the sun,
back to everyone.
back to the sand and the sea,
where I can be me.

go back to the sun,
back to everyone.
back to the sand and the sea,
where I can be me.

Writer(s): Beth Arzy, John Joyner

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