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For once my eyes are open to you, and everything you've said
For once your web of lies is in the open
I gave you everything I had, until I had nothing left
Still you act as if I'm just a burden
I've finally let go, let go, let go

Stay silent at least for now, and let me move on
'Cause I'm so done playing these games with my heart
I've been around the world and back for you
And now it's time to choose

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I've been swallowed by this wreck that you call your life
I'm damaged from the inside, I've been broken
Don't threaten me with what you think I feel
If you could read my mind, you'd be in tears

I'm sick of your excuses you hold above me
I've finally come to terms with what I am
I'm nothing in your eyes, and this will not change
I'm living in a dream

Stay silent at least for now, and let me move on
'Cause I'm so done playing these games with my heart
I've been around the world and back for you
And now it's time to choose

And I'll close my eyes, and dream of a better time
When I'll be finally past this and I'll be happy on my own
I've done all I can, and I've still been cast aside
All I ever wanted to be was be the one who would wipe tears from your eyes

But I guess I'll play second best, to a world that will never care about you
You'll never understand, you're just another pretty face
You'll tell me that you care, and then run straight back to him
I can hear your voice of treason from a mile away

You never did know how to whisper

You're such a liar, tell me the truth
You're such a liar, tell me the truth
You fucking liar, tell me the truth
Do the world a favor, stop cutting your arms, and slit your throat

Writer(s): Nancy Lamoureaux Wilson, Ann Wilson Dustin

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