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Kingdom Waves…

In the mists of time, abandoned by fate, the old pirate captain Michał Bąk readied himself to seek a new crew for his mighty vessel, when suddenly he found a letter in a bottle, which touched him deeply.

Soon, together with the equally cruel sea conqueror Sławomir Urban, they created a brand new ship of music under the banner of the "Kingdom Waves"

Nonetheless, in order to sail on the sea they needed a strong crew. Very quickly, just off the shore, they found another abandoned pirate, Kamil Ruth, who quickly pledged his loyalty and musicianship to them.

As they raised anchor, they found Martin Marcell, who amazed them with his unusual voice.

However, before they could set sail, they realised they needed a booming bass. They scoured the land and found the final piece of the puzzle in Łukasz Olenderek who cast his lot with them.

Martin Marcell - Vocal
Michał Bąk - Keyboard & Orchestration
Sławomir Urban - Guitar
Łukasz Olenderek - Bass
Kamil Ruth - Drums


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