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Reaping the wind through this mortal shell
In the wake of destruction this will not fail
Walking with shadows defined by my suffering
Feeding the spirit through divine intervention

Out of the fire, so much for compassion
I've thrown it to desire, in time you'll hear

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Tirades of truth
Glazed and angry eyes
Spoken to by the breath of gods
In the valley of death's decision
The judgement, listen

The last kind words ever said will be
You will live below angels and above beasts

It's seldom clear, the roads to temptation
Are filled with such peril but the human spirit can soar
It's more than we can ever be in one lifetime
We need more to become gods ourselves

Tirades of truth
Glazed and angry eyes
Spoken to by the breath of gods
In the valley of death's decision
The judgement, listen

The last kind words ever said will be
You will live below angels and above beasts


Even the heavens aren't innocent (innocent)

Tirades of truth
Glazed and angry eyes
Spoken to by the breath of gods
In the valley of death's decision
The judgement, listen

The last kind words ever said will be
You will live below angels and above beasts
Above beasts
Above beasts
Above beasts
And above beasts
And above beasts

Writer(s): Jeffrey Kendrick, Bradley Fafara, John Boecklin, Jon Miller, Michael Spreitzer

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