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Look at the pattern
Can you see what's wrong?
It's supposed to be perfect
(But really it's not)
But really it's not.

Can you find the flaws
Hidden in structured code
Hiding in the pattern
In between the rows?

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

Only illogics can find
Hidden flaws in a straight logic line.
Only erratics recognize
Errors in patterns of a perfect design.
Only illogics can find
Hidden flaws in a straight logic line.
Only erratics recognize
Errors in patterns of a perfect design.

Now that you know
That something's not right
Look at it carefully
In pale logic light.

Don't be sorry
If you can't recognize
The errors and faults
In such a perfect disguise.

Only illogics can find
Hidden flaws in a straight logic line.
Only erratics recognize
Errors in patterns of a perfect design.

Only illogics can find
Hidden flaws in a straight logic line.
Only erratics recognize
Errors in patterns of a perfect design.

Writer(s): Anna Karin Ingegred Segerstad, Ringstrom (stim) Daniel Bo

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