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Twisting wires
Contorted metal
Pulse with power
God machine

Cranial alterations
Complex self-surgery

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No writhing as scalpels incise living tissue
No tremors befall me as I slice nerve from limb
Inserting steel cable beneath my ligaments
To hold me down in place for the operation

Metal and meat becoming one
Now I can't scream; my mouth sealed shut

The machine bleeds power

Its design is made to completely atomize
Organic, non-man-made 3D matter
And collide it with its anti-particulate
In hopes to convert me into pure energy

Metal and meat becoming one
Now I can't scream; my mouth sealed shut

Initiating death

No writhing as scalpels incise living tissue
No tremors befall me as I slice nerve from limb

Writer(s): Samuel James Mcrobert

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