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He danced on his deathbed
And so performed his final dance
For friends, family and lovers
And all those who'd had the chance
To know him, to love him
To know him, to love him

My domesticated body
And my mind by moderation tamed
Seethe within my xeroxcopied skin
And I ask him
"Is all freedom dark?"

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He danced on his deathbed
And so performed his final dance
For friends, family and lovers
And all those who'd had the chance
To know him, to love him
To know him, to love him

One thousand and one birds
Take off in an instant
Flying feeling-filling through the air
And I ask them
"Is all freedom light?"

He danced on his deathbed
And so performed his final dance
For friends, family and lovers
And all those who'd had the chance
To know him, to love him
To know him, to love him

Writer(s): Mia Doi Todd

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